School Council

School Councils are democracy in action. The School Council of Ashleigh Primary consists of two representatives of each class, from Year 1 to Year 6. The Council meets frequently, at least once every half-term, to express views and make decisions.

Staff are always keen to know the views of our pupils. For example, following special themed weeks we met with the School Council to know more about what went well – councillors tell us they enjoy mixing classes and working with children from different year groups.

Recent decisions have included:

  • how to improve lunchtimes - we introduced more play equipment and trained play leaders
  • how to address parking near to school - we invited Jake Berry MP in and met to discuss the way forward
  • how to encourage good behaviour around school - we created a list of 'rules' for every area in school, even the minibus!

The School Council have even been part of the interview process for vacancies in school. (Candidates have remarked about how challenging this aspect of the selection was!)

Representatives of the School Council are very much active citizens. Councillors visit the Mayor's chambers annually, and invite him to talk to the whole school around life as Mayor.

Every Autumn pupils at Ashleigh Primary elect two school councillors from each class.

Based on election speeches, they vote for the candidate who they think will represent them best.

If you want to be part of the School Council, tell your teacher when it’s close to election time and prepare your speech well.

In the meantime, make sure you let your current class councillors know your views!

Our councillors are just in the process of putting together videos about their experiences in the school council. Check back in a few weeks to see them in action.


Ashleigh Primary School

Ross Street, Darwen, BB3 2JT

Ian Matthews | Headteacher

01254 703 171


We will open up the doors to the world for our school family and wider community, nurturing a respect for all.