Homework in Year 5
Homework is a very important part of Year 5.
Children are given homework every week, on a Thursday. They must complete and return their homework by the following Monday. Homework tasks are based on Literacy and Maths objectives that the children will have learnt about during the week. Further homework may sometimes be given relating to a particular topic.
If a child is unable to complete their homework, a note must be written to the class teacher. If a child is struggling with their homework, we are more than happy to go through the work with them during school time - just provide a note to explain. If no reason is provided and homework is not completed, children will be expected to complete the task during a playtime.
In addition to a weekly homework task, children are given a reading book. We expect Year 5 children to read for at least 10 minutes every night and have their Reading Record signed by a parent or guardian. Children can change their reading books once they have finished reading them. We also encourage Year 5 children to read a variety of different texts, whether they be fiction, non-fiction or other texts such as on-line blogs or comics. We want all of our children to have a real love for reading.
Year 5 children are also provided with a spelling list every Wednesday. We encourage children to rehearse these at school and at home, ready for their spelling test on the following Wednesday.
As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with school.
Some useful websites to aid learning in Year 5:
TT Rock Stars is a great way to learn and improve your times tables.
BBC BitesizePrimary Homework Help have loads of great maths activities.
Top Marks maths games
Top Marks punctuation games
Multiplying unit fractions by a whole number:
A handy guide to help understand and practise using number lines!
Weekly spellings will appear here. They are named according to half term and week number. For example, Aut1 Wk1 is for week 1 of the Autumn Term 1st half and Sum2 Wk4 is for Week 4 in Summer Term 2nd half.